At Redemption, our services are a joyful encounter with our great God and Savior. We come each Sunday to be refreshed by the proclamation of the Gospel, and would love to have you experience this with us.

Read below to learn more about what you can expect when you join us!


Our worship services are a divine dialogue—that is, when we come together on Sundays for worship it is to have a conversation with God. This understanding informs what we do in our services and the way we do it. God is the initiator in this conversation: He speaks to us in the call to worship, the reading of the law, the declaration of pardon, the preaching of His Word, the administration of sacraments (Lord’s Supper and baptism), and the benediction. Primarily we come to hear from Him and respond in worship. Our part in this divine dialogue is always responsive in nature: we respond to God in our prayers, confession of faith, giving of our offerings, and singing (we sing both ancient and contemporary hymns of the faith, as well the psalms of Scripture).

A Place for Everyone

In our church you will find people of all ages: newborns, children playing together, teens, college age young adults, singles, seniors, and families of all ages. Not only that, our congregation is made up of people from all sorts of backgrounds. Some of us were born and raised in Gainesville, others have come from different states, and from different countries! Some of us have grown up in the church, while others have come to faith later in life, and still some are just checking us out and looking to learn more. Our sincere hope is that you are looking for a fuller knowledge of God, a deeper relationship with His Son, and an authentic community of friends. That is exactly what we offer you if you come!

Coming In

Our service of worship begins at 10:30 a.m., and we would suggest getting there a few minutes early just to get settled and prepare yourself for worship. When you enter the foyer expect to be greeted by one of our members, who will offer you a bulletin and a warm smile. The bulletin will help guide you through the different portions of our service. There’s a guest book on the table in the back, please feel free to sign it. That’s it. Find a seat wherever you are comfortable and take a moment to prepare your heart for worship. If you’re late (it’s okay!), just find any available seat.

Your Part

The worship service has several moments where the congregation is involved, and we would love your participation as well. This includes things like singing from the hymnal or praying out loud the corporate prayers printed in the bulletin. If this is new and you don’t feel comfortable, we encourage you just to watch and listen to the people of God as they worship. You can learn a lot, and prepare for next time! Expect to never be singled out, put on the spot, or asked to interact in conversation with others during the actual worship service.

The Lord’s Supper


We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper every week. This is a meal from Christ and for His church. In the Lord’s Supper we have fellowship with both Christ and his body. For this reason we require participants to be baptized and professing members of a congregation where the gospel is faithfully preached. If you are a baptized member in good standing of such a church, and walking in faith and repentance, then you are welcome to join us in this celebration.

Throughout the ages God’s people have worshiped together as families, and Jesus instructed his followers, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14). We encourage families to worship together as much as possible, and love to hear our children in worship. If your child becomes fussy or a distraction, there is a nursery available just off the foyer where you can comfort them or attend to their needs.

Fellowship Meals

On the first and third Sundays of each month we enjoy a time together around the table as a church family. You are most welcome to join us! Don’t worry about bringing any dishes, just bring yourself. We meet after the morning worship service in the fellowship hall across from the sanctuary.

Evening Instruction & Evening Worship

We gather again on Sunday evenings at 6 p.m. for a time of Evening Instruction. We sing a few hymns, pray, hear a report on our missionaries, receive instruction from God’s word, and memorize Scripture and catechism together. On the last Sunday of each month we gather for a second worship service. Please join us if you’re able.